Thursday, June 24, 2010

LeBron still unsigned, applies at Applebees

Akron, Ohio - Lucky the Cavalier MVP has some experience in the service industry. Star forward LeBron James will be by momentarily to take your order.

Still a homeless player and free agent who no one can afford, James had no other choice than to pound the pavement in his hometown of Akron, Ohio. After a preliminary consultation, four interviews, a credit check, a criminal record check, and four days of menu and drink tests, James made the cut and will start Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday lunches at Applebees. Only those with seniority can work nights and weekends and get the best stations.

“Dude, it’s like deuce city here,” griped LeBron, “I never get the big tables, I just got stiffed by Mike Brown and Drew Carrey, and Rachel, the hostess, is a complete diva bi**h. My mother always told me I should have something to fall back on.”

Says Manager and Service Team Leader Bob Toomey, "Screw the NBA. We're proud to have him on the Applebees team. Welcome to the neighborhood, L.J."

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